A Bit About Kevin
Kevin Harkins has been involved in the construction industry for thirty (30) years providing a wide variety of owner representation, construction, and property acquisition and ownership consulting services to property owners, investors, and developers.
Kevin has extensive experience involving owner representation during new construction projects and renovations to existing properties. During the past twenty years (20), he has completed numerous property condition assessments of existing facilities. Kevin has also been involved in completing a multitude of accessibility compliance reviews for multifamily and commercial properties throughout the United States. Kevin has experience negotiating settlement agreements for accessibility violations with HUD and the Department of Justice.
Throughout his involvement on a multitude of projects, Kevin has developed broad knowledge and experience in aspects of building technology, construction, and real estate development. He also has specific technical expertise in building envelope systems, roofing, structural systems, and accessibility compliance.
Kevin has been a guest speaker at yearly corporate meetings for institutional investors including Prudential Financial, GE Capital, and JP Morgan and national developers including Trammell Crow Residential, at educational seminars for an abundance of construction and design firms nationwide, and was an invited presenter at the National Association of Real Estate Investment Managers (NAREIM) conference. Kevin has presented sessions at the 2013 and 2014 AIA National Convention on the ADA and FHA.
Kevin graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and a Master of Architecture. Kevin has completed post-graduate work in Structural Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering.