Carlena Carrington
A Bit About Carlena
Carlena has experience managing people, buildings, and operations. Besides an extensive background in management, she is well versed and skilled in many areas out of her driven nature and desire for knowledge. She enjoys analyzing environments and operations and recognizes patterns and trends easily making her a gifted strategic planner. She is also an engine of innovative ideas and creative solutions.
Carlena started her professional career managing 150+ convention staff at the largest convention hotel in Denver Colorado with over 133,000 sq ft of meeting space. She managed seated functions for up to 500 guests and had the honor of serving the late George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara. From here, Carlena went to work for the Managing Director in a Fortune 500 company in the Financial Sector. She was the Operations Coordinator for a large staff of 200 employees located between NYC and Denver. While working a successful career, Carlena also put herself through night school and was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. After receiving her degree, Carlena transferred to their financial research department and was promoted during this time to Senior Financial Analyst. Although rewarding, Carlena ultimately chose to return to Operations Management and went to work for the CEO of a very large and successful Design Firm in Denver responsible for most of Denver’s Multi-Family Interior spaces. This is when she found she had a passion for building design, rehabilitation, and construction.
In 2018 Carlena met the staff at Building One Consulting and began working for Kevin Harkins where she continues to learn everything she can, to make buildings better.